The PlaceFair Webcoin revenued during 2024
2 € with absolutely No Sale.
PlaceFair 24/7
Our Financial Advisor's report to consumers that the first 5 years of handling The PlaceFair WebCoin will be challenging and suggest that our clients should be patient as we will release the financial report every year. They also suggest that our clients as WebCoin owners should not chase dust cash as every of your income will go back in the system to coagulate and fluidize the growth of the PFWebCoin. If we see that the WebCoin has potential that it's value is over our client's authority we will take strict measures for the growth of the PFWCoin. Just be patient for the first 5 years please... until 2030 - The PlaceFair Team
The Premiere
The Charity Run
Harley Quinn - Voices in her head - The Fernando Vicar Edition
The Truth vs Hypocrisy
CRUBA Core™ Logo v1.0
Golden Edition
The PlaceFair WebCoin DUq Edition
The PlaceFair WebCoin Trend
The PlaceFair WebCoin Favicon
PlaceFair WebCoin Candice Noir
PlaceFair WebCoin Project Sparrow
1st Shot Metaverse Induction's Witness of Picment & PlaceFair & DUq
The Pope's
1st Cultural Shot on PFWebCoin
2nd Cultural Shot on WebCoin by DUq
(...) KOH! ... E Carte !
Flash and Opac
Rigor Mortis
Femeia ~ 1980
Zurück WebCoin
The General
The Denouement
Rachel Crayon
The Lady
Obiectiv (... 2023 SOTY Decor )
PFresh Puzzle Prize (... incomplete & bulk sale... also Capitalizated all 3 together.)
PFresh Puzzle Prize - Crima Fatala (... incomplete & bulk sale, also Capitalizated all 3 together.)
PlaceFair Strikes
PlaceFair Dirt ( Adulter )
Sponsored by T.N.T.
T.N.T. Ro.
Fir Rosu
PlaceFair Permanent
The Silverado - Special WebCoin Edition by Hades
Freedom - Paradigm Chapter Premiere
Theatre of Tragedy
Diplomacy Temperamental Cellar
Lithography Sponsored
PlaceFair Avenue Token